High Quality Luxury Fashion Replica Hermes Handbags


If you’ve been following BRAGMYBAG so far, you must have heard about the Replica Hermes Handbags. It’s a minimalistic accessory, made with impeccable craftsmanship and carefully selected leather.

Now presenting the Hermes Mini Bearn Wallet. Perhaps it’s a size smaller, but it still creates the same impact. The ‘mini’ version is crafted with Epsom Calfskin, which basically means ‘durable leather’.

Replica Hermes Handbags

The front features a silver-and-palladium plated ‘H’ closure – a simple lettering logo that represents the brand’s name. The bag opens en closes with a snap closure, let’s see what you will find inside.

The interior comes with two credit card slots and a change purse, but because of its size, you can easily hide it inside a ‘small-sized’ handbag.

This version of the Hermes Mini Bearn Wallet is colored in brown, but it does come with white stitches on the corners. The stitches give a casual look without losing its chic’ness. Measuring 7.5 x 10.8 cm, priced at €970 euro and £890 GBP, via Hermes estore.

The Burberry Replica Handbags is something you should watch out for! Well, what else can you say about these dazzling pieces of leather? I know, I know, getting these goodies for our own don’t come easy on the budget, but they really are great investment pieces. You would want to put your valuables in something that would actually stand the test of time, and the Mini Bearn is such a durable and stylish way to do it.

Made with the finest leather, the Mini Bearn is such a winner when it comes to the whole aesthetic and functionality part. You’ll know when you see the piece that it’s actually cut from only the best materials available. Trust Hermes to give you what you need. In fact, we’ve featured this piece before, and we’re doing it again because it deserves much applause!